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10.02.1965 (60 лет)
Пол: Женский
Место жительства: Москва
Профессиональный опыт и навыки
Other Design Ltd.• Translation of brochures, project proposals and catalogue descriptions for interior design firm (RU->EN).
• Localization of US company web site.
Superlative Rail, Inc.
• Translated commercial proposals for negotiations with potential Russian partner companies (EN->RU).
Russian Center NY
• Translated materials for international business conferences (both promotional/explanatory materials and materials for use at the conferences) (RU<->EN)
• Localization of organization’s US web site.
Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
• Translation of articles, posts and other texts for print and internet distribution (EN-RU).
• Translation/localization of portions of the Canadian Diocese web site (RU<->EN)
Russian Documentary Film Festival, NY
• Translation/localization of portions of Festival web site (RU<->EN)
Northern Cross
• Translation of materials for a published volume on Russian Foundation burial sites in America.
• Translation of materials for volume (in preparation) on the history and work of Russian artists in America.
Daniel Communications
• Translations for design and PR proposals and projects.
Основное образование
Бакалаврат и магистрская степень: история искусства.
Дополнительное образование. Повышение квалификации, курсы
Курсы обучения по ПО: SmartCAT, Фотошоп, Иллюстратор
Знания и навыки
перевод (En<->Ru; Ukr<->Ru), редактура, иллюстрация, дизайн
English, Украинский —