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Используя этот сайт, вы соглашаетесь на использование и обработку ваших персональных данных. Подробнее.
ГородОпыт работы
МоскваНе указан
• java core (including collection framework, exception handling);
• multithreading: synchronization and locks; executor framework;
• spring framework: di, bean lifecycle, core features;
• jdbc;
• orm (hibernate);
• jms: publisher-subscriber/producer-consumer patterns, core jms classes;
• xml, o/x mapping libraries;
• database/sql: understanding of relational model; notion of index and its usage. Basic sql constructs to write queries from single and multiple tables; aggregation functions;
• apache maven;
• practical experience with vcs subversion ;
• practical experience with atlassian jira ;
• understanding of sdlc ;
• english level enough to read/write technical emails and documentation

Должностные обязанности:
• work with customer requirements;
• analysis and design of software solutions;
• tasks estimation;
• development of software;
• code refactoring and code-review;
• documentation of processes;
• consultation with the project specialists (analysts and testers);
• correspondence with the customer;
• maintenance tasks in bug tracker.

Условия работы:
We offer you:
• Variety of knowledge sharing opportunities
• Unique working environment where you communicate and work directly with client
• Competitive salary
• Career and professional growth
• Possibility to work in a big and successful company

Заработная плата: до
График работы: Не указан
Тип занятости: Не указан
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